Top 25+ Group Coaches in the World Reveal Their Best Practices for Designing, Filling, and Delivering Highly Transformational Programs
$497 Value – Yours Today for FREE
It’s time to become a GROUP COACHING MASTER.
Group coaching is one of the best ways to impact more people, create more income, and have more fun in your business. But designing transformational group programs requires strategy and skills.
It’s not enough to simply create a great course. And it’s not enough to just train and coach people.
You must design a great group coaching experience so that your clients stay in your program, get results, and enroll in your next program. And send more clients your way!

Being a great coach is not enough to create transformational group programs.
That’s why in this 5-Day virtual event, over 20+ group coaches will share their best practices (and biggest secrets) on how they create, fill, and deliver transformational group coaching programs their clients can’t get enough of!
Featured Expert Sessions
Most virtual summits are just collections of interviews or success stories. This event is different. It is a highly curated series of topics taught by the highly experienced experts who mastered them!
This event is the ultimate MASTERCLASS on designing highly effective group coaching programs and filling them with clients.
If you’ve been looking to stand out in your niche by creating truly transformation group programs, then this is exactly what this 5-day virtual will deliver!
Day 1: Design
It seems like there are as many group coaching program models as there are coaches. So come to learn from the best and discover what might work for you, your coaching style, personality, and business goals when it comes to designing your perfect group program!

Milana Leshinsky
Host of the Group Coaching Experience & Creator of Coaching Genie
Creating a Profitable and Rewarding Group Coaching Business
After two decades in the coaching industry and delivering over 100+ group coaching programs, Milana will share the biggest benefits and roadblocks of offering group programs, and what you can do to uplevel your programs this year and beyond.

Jennifer Britton
Founder and CEO of Potentials Realized, Author of Group Coaching Essentials
The Biggest Mind Shifts for Going from 1-on-1 to Group Coaching and Why You May Not Have Made the Leap to Groups Yet

Cindy Schulson
Founder of Marketing from Within
How to Design Your Signature Group Coaching Program
Discover what a signature program is, why it’s critical to the success of your coaching business, and a unique approach to developing a “pilot” group program your clients are already looking for! Cindy will reveal the biggest mistakes people make in designing their programs, choosing the right pieces of their expertise, and positioning your program for the “next-step” program for maximum impact and profit.

Susan Epstein
Boutique Business Coaching for Coaches, Mastermind & Group Coaching Expert
How to Deliver Group Coaching Without Content
If creating content isn’t “your thing”, then you’ll love the group coaching model Susan is offering. Discover how to structure a content-free coaching program, how to lead the group calls, what to do between the live coaching calls, how to fill this type of program, and what keeps members staying in the group year after year.

Jeanna Gabellini
Master Business Coach
How to Add a VIP Option to any Program You Offer… and Double Your Profit!
Discover how to create an upgraded version of your group coaching program without investing more of your personal time, and allow people to have a more valuable experience with you. Learn the pitfalls to avoid, the different things you can bundle up to create a VIP option, and when to offer it in your enrollment process.

Eiji Morishita
Founder of Movement Makers
How to Reverse-engineer a Coaching Program Based on the Outcome
Before you jump into creating content for your coaching program, watch this session! You’ll discover a different approach to designing your program that will allow you to get your clients to experience great results. So many times people don’t finish a program or simply get overwhelmed. Eiji reveals the most important components of an outcome-based coaching program and the 3 stages you want to take it through before becoming “best in the field” so that your clients complete the program and get results.

Jennifer Dunham
Founder of Time, Money & Happiness Matters
How to Create an “Inner Circle” Rolling Enrollment Style Group for a All-Year-Long Revenue

Marcus Bird
Online Marketing and Mindset Specialist
Secrets to Designing Homework Assignments to Increase Implementation and Add Value to Your Program
An eye-opening discussion on the best ways to design exercises and activities to keep group members connected, engaged, and growing between the live calls. How to handle homework resistance, mistakes to avoid, and plenty of examples of the types of exercises to create based on the program.

Panel Discussion #1:
Group Coaching Mastery: Secrets and Strategies for Creating a Thriving Group Coaching Business
Panelists include Terri Levine, Susan Epstein, Jeanna Gabellini, Fabienne Fredrickson, Michelle Schubnel, Lucas Garvin, Jim Hohl, and Lee Cordell.
Day 2: Fill
No clients, no group. That’s why this day is all about how to attract and enroll your ideal clients into your group program. Specifically, each expert will share their favorite way to fill their group based on their own experience and lessons learned.

Milana Leshinsky
Host of the Group Coaching Experience & Creator of Coaching Genie
5 Biggest Reasons People Join Group Coaching Programs and the 5 “Hidden” Factors They Use to Make Their Decision to Sign Up!
Understanding the mental and emotional process clients go through when they decide to invest into a coaching program and commit to spending the next weeks or months with you in your group will help you structure your programs and your marketing more effectively.

Jennifer Diepstraten
CEO and Founder of High Ticket Sales Success
Group Pricing Strategies: Why You Can Charge More for Your Group Than Your 1-1
Most people believe that private coaching is more valuable than group coaching, simply because it’s more intimate and exclusive. In this session, you’ll discover why this is actually a myth and how to charge more for your group programs, raise your rates, and communicate the value of your group program with confidence.

Terri Levine
Founder and Creator of the Heart-repreneur® Cause
How to Use “Deep Dive” Transformation Sessions to Fill Your Coaching Groups
If traditional “sales conversations” and “free strategy sessions” don’t really feel good to you, don’t miss this conversation about a different way to get clients and fill your groups. Terri Levine is a 20-year group coaching veteran and her clients are getting amazing results with this strategy. Discover how to structure a “deep dive” session, the 5 questions you should ask to create a transformation right on the call, and how to organically invite people into your program.

Elizabeth Purvis
Master Business Coach and Metaphysical Teacher
How to Sign Up high-end Mastermind Clients Without Launches or Sales Calls
Learn what makes a book launch a highly effective strategy for filling a group program, the basic structure of a book launch, and the best ways to introduce your program during the launch.

Milana Leshinsky
Host of Group Coaching Experience and Creator of Coaching Genie
Planning for Profits: Finding Your Perfect Group Size and Price Point
How much do I charge? That’s the question all coaches want to know about your group coaching programs. We’ll use a simple group coaching calculator to come up with the optimal price point for your program, so you can stop guessing and price your program with clarity and confidence!

Mellissa Seaman
Intuitive Executive Coach
How to Attract Your Perfect Group Members Using a Personality Typing Quiz
Enrolling the wrong clients into your group coaching program often results in poor results and refund requests, and takes away from the energy of the group. In this session, you’ll discover how to create a personality typing quiz that attracts ideal clients into your group programs, the best questions to ask to make it go viral, and how to follow up with people to get them into your group programs!

Wendy Petties
Personal and Professional Development Coach
How to Use a 1-Day Paid Workshop to Fill Your Group Program
Discover how to fill your program using a 1-day paid interactive workshop. Wendy reveals how to structure it, how to price it, what content to bring into the workshop, and how to position your group program for great results. Also, some really cool ways to follow up after the workshop to get more people into your program and, of course, how to get people to attend your 1-day workshop in the first place.

Bernadette Doyle
Small Business Marketing Expert
Using a Facebook Group to Easily Fill Your Group Programs Without Sales Funnels or Webinars
A super simple 4-step strategy to enroll coaching clients into groups from a Facebook group. This strategy doesn’t require any complex set-up and Bernadette has been using it for years to generate multiple six-figures in her coaching business. She explains why it works and how to do it, all inside this session.

Ann Farrell
How to Land Lucrative Group Coaching Opportunities with Organizations
One of the TOP female executive coaches and corporate coach’s mentors reveals why offering group coaching to organizations is so lucrative, why they are willing to invest in it, how to identify the right companies who are hungry for your expertise, and how to get started in landing group coaching projects with organizations.

Panel Discussion #2:
Best Practices in Structuring and Running Group Coaching Calls for Maximum Engagement and Results
Panelists include Holly Chantal, Jonathan Bender, Sandra De Freitas, and Jennifer Britton.
Day 3: Deliver
Everything you need to know on how to actually deliver your group program.
Our experts will share their best practices from content and logistics, to structuring the program in the most efficient and effective way.

Milana Leshinsky
Host of the Group Coaching Experience & Creator of Coaching Genie
6 Things You Need to Have in Place to Successfully Deliver Your Group Coaching Program
Every coaching program is different, but there are certain components you need to put in place to deliver your group program with ease. Also, discover how Coaching Genie can help you with all 6 things so you don’t have to piecemeal your program or feel overwhelmed.

Joanna Lindenbaum
Master Level Facilitation Coach and Teacher
How to Effectively Use Breakout Rooms to Create Powerful Group Calls
Discover how to use breakout rooms to increase your engagement, retention, referrals, and re-enrollment from one of the TOP group coaching facilitation masters! Learn about the best times to use breakout sessions, what instructions to give participants, what should happen after people come back from their breakout sessions, and the biggest mistakes group coaches make!

Fabienne Fredrickson
Founder of Boldheart®
The Million Dollar Coaching Business
A multi-seven-figure coach will share why most coaches never make a million a year (or more) using the group coaching model, the key to working with hundreds of clients each year working less than you do now, and her 6-step process that allows you to enroll clients who sign up for two years at a time. This is a MUST-ATTEND session for everyone who is looking to scale their groups!

Christine Kloser
Transformational Author Coach
How to Use Other Coaches to Deliver Your Group Program
As you scale your coaching business, you may find that you need to bring other coaches to help you deliver your programs. How do you get started? What do you need to get ready? Where do you find the right coaches? How much do you pay them? And which mistakes should you avoid? These are the questions you’ll get answered in this training session to help you create a freedom-based business.

Milana Leshinsky
Host of the Group Coaching Experience & Creator of Coaching Genie
How to Use a “Flipped Classroom” Strategy to Create Highly Leveraged Programs So You Can Just Show Up and Coach
Discover how to deliver your group programs using a “flipped” or “reversed” classroom method used often in the educational space, which creates a lot of freedom and leverage for you as a coach. Learn the best way to structure your program using this method and how to address the most common challenges created by it. This session is presented by two coaches with education industry background, so you’re in for a treat!

Lucas Garvin and Jim Hohl
Founders and CEOs of the Thought Leaders Institute
How to Evergreen Your Group Coaching Program with 90% Automated and 10% Personalized Approach
Discover a unique way to deliver your group program that allows you to serve more clients in less time, while still providing great value. Jim and Lucas have come up with an evergreen ‘hybrid’ group coaching program you can run on just a few hours per week. Learn about the key differences between a regular group program and an evergreen one, the core factor to making it work, and exactly how to structure it so it keeps growing without taking more of your time.

Jonathan Bender
Founder of WholeSpeak
How to Speak to Groups with Confidence
If you are someone who is really good 1-on-1, but not confident working with a group, then this session is for you. Jonathan, a business strategist and a public speaking coach, will help you understand how to connect with a group, maintain connection, and build rapport with your clients regardless of the group size.

Holly Chantal
Business Coach and Brand Strategist
Secrets to Creating Highly Personalized Group Coaching Programs
While group coaching programs are great for leveraging your time and expertise, you may be wondering how your clients are going to get the personalized attention they need to succeed. How do you make sure each client gets value in a group environment? Discovered 5 strategies for creating a personalized experience in your group programs without burning out!

Panel Discussion #3:
Best Practices in Creating Accountability in Group Programs for Maximum Implementation and Growth
Panelists include Mellissa Seaman, Christine Kloser, Karyn Greenstreet, Jennifer Deipstraten, Joanna Lindenbaum, and Ann Farrell.
Day 4: Engage
High engagement translates into bold action and massive results for your clients, and a thriving group coaching business for you. These top group coaches will reveal their best practices on creating high engagement in their programs and on their group coaching calls. This day is filled with “golden nuggets” you don’t want to miss!

Milana Leshinsky
Host of the Group Coaching Experience & Creator of Coaching Genie
6 Awesome Ways to Increase Engagement, Implementation, and Accountability in Your Group Coaching Programs (and How Coaching Genie Takes Care of ALL of it for you!)
If you want clients to rave about your program, they need to have a great experience and results! And that’s exactly what engagement and implementation will allow you to achieve. This session includes a short Coaching Genie demo so you can see how it can all be done on one simple platform.

Joanna Lindenbaum
Master Level Facilitation Coach and Teacher
How to Get Your Clients to Show Up Engaged and Ready to Take Action
When live group call attendance drops, it changes the energy of the group and the motivation level of your members. Join this session to learn some masterful ways to increase your live call show up rate and keep people engaged and motivated from start to finish. You will also learn why participants in group programs fall off, lose interest, or stop engaging, and how to create a powerful “container” in your group programs.

Sandra De Freitas
Community Building Expert
How to Use Simple Contests to Increase Accountability and Implementation in Group Programs
Want your group programs to truly stand out and your clients to achieve results in a fun, exciting way? Offering group contests is the best way to do that, and Sandra will reveal exactly how she runs highly engaging and motivating contests in her programs, how she structures them, how she incorporates “implementation weeks”, and the biggest mistakes to avoid.

Ritamarie Loscalzo
Best-selling Author, Speaker, Internationally Recognized Nutrition and Women’s Health Authority
How to Create a Nurturing Community in Your Group Programs
Creating a sense of community in your group is vital to its survival and to your program’s retention rate. Discover the strategies this top coach is using to create a nurturing community in her group programs, where clients can’t miss a call!

Lee Cordell
Trauma-Informed Mindset & Biz Coaching
How to Set Containers in a “Trauma-informed” Way That Increases Engagement, Participation, and Positive Results
How do you create a psychologically safe space for your clients to thrive? In this session you’ll discover a trauma-informed group coaching approach from the founder of the Institute for Trauma and Psychological Safety, who works with leaders and entrepreneurs to create a safe space for their groups. You’ll experience the difference this approach makes and how it will impact the people in your groups.

Jennifer Britton
Founder and CEO of Potentials Realized and Author of Group Coaching Essentials
How to Quickly Build Trust, Rapport, and Connection in Your Group for More Breakthroughs!
Emotional connection is so important in group programs. People need to feel safe to be vulnerable, so it’s important to create a container of safety and trust. The pioneer of group coaching will share the 6 layers of connection you must create in your programs. She’ll explain what you must do before your very first call and during the first live call in order to quickly make people feel like they belong.

Karyn Greenstreet
Secrets to Group Retention: How to Make Your Group Program “Sticky”!
A top mastermind expert and educator reveals why people stay in groups beyond the average retention rate, the strategies for making mastermind and coaching groups “sticky”, and the retention secrets of highly successful groups!

Michelle Schubnel
Group Coaching Expert and Founder at Coach & Grow R.I.C.H.
The 7 Secret Group Coaching Ingredients for Creating Maximum Engagement and Results
Michelle has been teaching group coaching for two decades, and will be sharing exactly what you need to include in your program for maximum client success. Pay a special attention to her simple but powerful gamification strategy, because it almost guarantees clients will get results from your program!

Panel Discussion #4:
Group Coaching Insider Secrets: Recording of Q&A with Milana and team
Day 5: Experience
Discover what it’s like to create a powerful, remarkable, transformational group coaching experience for your clients. Hear from the Coaching Genie users, customers, and team members on how to use this simple but powerful software to take your group coaching programs to the next level!

Milana Leshinsky
Host of the Group Coaching Experience & Creator of Coaching Genie
MASTERCLASS: 6 Biggest Secrets to Having Clients Join, Stay, and Succeed in Your Programs! Based on the “Lessons Learned” from Delivering 100+ Programs!
Creating an AWESOME (and profitable) group coaching experience can be very time-consuming and complex. In this special masterclass, you will discover the 8 things your clients secretly want from coaching programs. And if you’ve been feeling overwhelmed when it comes to delivering your group programs, Milana will share a really cool (and simple!) framework for designing transformational group coaching experiences and she’ll be sharing it on a special LIVE demo in this session.

Recording of Live Q&A
Milana and the Coaching Genie Team
Meet the 25+ Successful Coaches, Trainers, and Experts You’ll Be Learning From on the Group Coaching Experience Virtual Conference
Day 1

Day 2

Ann Farrell
Day 3

Fabienne Fredrickson

Day 4

Michelle Schubnel
Day 5

Learn How to Design, Fill, and Deliver Highly Transformational Programs!
Claim your ticket now to the 5-Day Virtual Conference for Coaches, Speakers, and Experts!
Meet Your Host
Milana Leshinsky
Founder of CoachingGenie.com
She is also the creator of Coaching Genie, an online platform for designing and delivering coaching programs with ease.
She came from Soviet Ukraine almost three decades ago as a classical musician with zero knowledge of the business world, and has since built multiple six and seven-figure businesses.
Today she’s passionate about showing entrepreneurs how to use simplicity as a growth strategy.
Goodbye complexity and overwhelm. Hello simplicity, profits, and ease.

Meet Our 25+ Coaches and Trainers and Learn Their Best Practices for Designing, Filling, and Delivering Highly Transformational Programs!
Plus Get Access to Recordings of the Live Panel Discussions and Networking
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