Top 25+ Group Coaches in the World Reveal Their Best Practices for Designing, Filling, and Delivering Highly Transformational Programs
Hosted by Milana Leshinsky, Founder of CoachingGenie.com

Day 1: Design
It seems like there are as many group coaching program models as there are coaches. So come to learn from the best and discover what might work for you, your coaching style, personality, and business goals when it comes to designing your perfect group program!

Day 2: Fill
No clients, no group. That’s why this day is all about how to attract and enroll your ideal clients into your group program. Specifically, each expert will share their favorite way to fill their group based on their own experience and lessons learned.

Day 3: Deliver
Everything you need to know on how to actually deliver your group program. Our experts will share their best practices from content and logistics, to structuring the program in the most efficient and effective way.

Day 4: Engage
High engagement translates into bold action and massive results for your clients, and a thriving group coaching business for you. These top group coaches will reveal their best practices on creating high engagement in their programs and on their group coaching calls. This day is filled with “golden nuggets” you don’t want to miss!

Day 5: Experience
Discover what it’s like to create a powerful, remarkable, transformational group coaching experience for your clients. Hear from the Coaching Genie users, customers, and team members on how to use this simple but powerful software to take your group coaching programs to the next level!
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