Welcome to the “Group Coaching Experience”
Virtual Conference!
Here’s what to do next:
Step 1 – Check Your Email
An email is on its way to you right now with a schedule of when each session will air live, and how to attend the live panel discussions and networking sessions.
If you have a Gmail account, just drag this message into your main inbox if you received it in the “Promotion” tab. Also check your spam folder in case our email ends up there.
Step 2 – Add Me as a Contact
We need to make sure you get all our emails so you won’t miss anything.
Make sure my email address goes to your safe list. Just add hello@coachinggenie.com to your contacts.
Step 3 – Get Recordings
With your free ticket, you only have 7 days to watch all 20+ sessions plus the panel discussions.
We know you’re busy and you might not have the time to watch everything so we’re making it easy for you to watch and learn at your own pace with the All-Access Pass.
Get the Recordings to the
Group Coaching Experience Virtual Conference Now
Get the Recordings to the Group Coaching Experience Virtual Conference Now

$497 Value – Yours for Just $67 for the Next 30 Minutes Only
Unlock unlimited access to all 25+ sessions and panel discussions, plus amazing bonuses to help you grow a successful coaching business!
Congratulations on joining the “Group Coaching Experience” Virtual Conference!
This event is unlike any other! It is the ultimate MASTERCLASS on designing highly effective group coaching programs and filling them with clients.
Each session unlocks proven strategies from highly experienced experts who mastered them.
The best part is, it’s absolutely FREE to attend!
Now, you might be wondering….
“Milana, what if I miss a session?”
I hear this question often, so let me explain how this all works.
The virtual conference is happening on April 4-8, 2022 and you will have until Sunday, April 10 to access all the sessions.
After that, the replays of all the sessions will be locked away for our All-Access Pass holders.
But if you grab your All-Access Pass, you will have unlimited access, plus enjoy the amazing bonuses we have for you!
Learn at your own pace and get on-demand anytime access to all sessions with the All-Access Pass
With the All-Access Pass, enjoy learning whenever it’s convenient for you and on any device!
You can relax knowing that you can come back whenever you want to freshen up on your favorite sessions.
You’ll even get amazing bonuses!
So why should you upgrade your ticket when you can attend for free?
Not only will you learn from some of the most successful, biggest and brightest minds in the industry today, but having the recordings of ALL these sessions will help you implement what you have learned and reap the benefits over and over!

Yours today for only $497 $67
Extend Access to All These Sessions:
Creating a Profitable and Rewarding Group Coaching Business – Milana Leshinsky
The Biggest Mind Shifts for Going from 1-on-1 to Group Coaching and Why You May Not Have Made the Leap to Groups Yet – Jennifer Britton
How to Design Your Signature Group Coaching Program – Cindy Schulson
How to Deliver Group Coaching Without Content – Susan Epstein
How to Add a VIP Option to any Program You Offer… and Double Your Profit! – Jeanna Gabellini
How to Create an “Inner Circle” Rolling Enrollment Style Group for a All-Year-Long Revenue – Jennifer Dunham
Secrets to Designing Homework Assignments to Increase Implementation and Add Value to Your Program – Marcus Bird
5 Biggest Reasons People Join Group Coaching Programs and the 5 “Hidden” Factors They Use to Make Their Decision to Sign Up! – Milana Leshinsky
Group Pricing Strategies: Why you can charge more for your group than your 1-1 – Jennifer Diepstraten
How to Use “Deep Dive” Transformation Sessions to Fill Your Coaching Groups – Terri Levine
How to Sign Up high-end Mastermind Clients Without Launches or Sales Calls – Elizabeth Purvis
6 Awesome Ways to Increase Engagement, Implementation, and Accountability in Your Group Coaching Programs (and How Coaching Genie Takes Care of ALL of it for you!) – Milana Leshinsky
How to Effectively Use Breakout Rooms to Create Powerful Group Calls – Joanna Lindenbaum
How to Set Containers in a “Trauma-informed” Way That Increases Engagement, Participation, and Positive Results – Lee Cordell
How to Quickly Build Trust, Rapport, and Connection in Your Group for More Breakthroughs! – Jennifer Britton
The 7 Secret Group Coaching Ingredients for Creating Maximum Engagement and Results – Michelle Schubnel
Planning for Profits: Finding Your Perfect Group Size and Price Point – Milana Leshinsky
How to Attract Your Perfect Group Members Using a Personality Typing Quiz – Melissa Seaman
How to Use a 1-Day Paid Workshop to Fill Your Group Program – Wendy Petties
Using a Facebook Group to Easily Fill Your Group Programs Without Sales Funnels or Webinars – Bernadette Doyle
6 Things You Need to Have in Place to Successfully Deliver Your Group Coaching Program – Milana Leshinsky
How to Effectively Use Breakout Rooms to Create Powerful Group Calls – Joanna Lindenbaum
How to Use Other Coaches to Deliver Your Group Program – Christine Kloser
How to Evergreen Your Group Coaching Program with 90% Automated and 10% Personalized Approach – Lucas Garvin and Jim Hohl
How to Speak to Groups with Confidence – Jonathan Bender
Secrets to Creating Highly Personalized Group Coaching Programs – Holly Chantal
How to Use a “Flipped Classroom” Strategy to Create Highly Leveraged Programs So You Can Just Show Up and Coach – Milana Leshinsky
How to Use Simple Contests to Increase Accountability and Implementation in Group Programs – Sandra De Freitas
How to Create a Nurturing Community in Your Group Programs – Ritamarie Loscalzo
Secrets to Group Retention: How to Make Your Group Program “Sticky”! – Karyn Greenstreet
6 Biggest Secrets to Having Clients Join, Stay, and Succeed in Your Programs! Based on the “Lessons Learned” from Delivering 100+ Programs! – Milana Leshinsky
The Million Dollar Coaching Business – Fabienne Fredrickson
How to Land Lucrative Group Coaching Opportunities with Organizations – Ann Farrell
Yours today for only $497 $67
The 5-day virtual conference will focus on these 5 key areas:

It seems like there are as many group coaching program models as there are coaches. So come to learn from the best and discover what might work for you, your coaching style, personality, and business goals when it comes to designing your perfect group program!

No clients, no group. That’s why this day is all about how to attract and enroll your ideal clients into your group program. Specifically, each expert will share their favorite way to fill their group based on their own experience and lessons learned.

Everything you need to know on how to actually deliver your group program. Our experts will share their best practices from content and logistics, to structuring the program in the most efficient and effective way.

High engagement translates into bold action and massive results for your clients, and a thriving group coaching business for you. These top group coaches will reveal their best practices on creating high engagement in their programs and on their group coaching calls. This day is filled with “golden nuggets” you don’t want to miss!

Discover what it’s like to create a powerful, remarkable, transformational group coaching experience for your clients. Hear from the Coaching Genie users, customers, and team members on how to use this simple but powerful software to take your group coaching programs to the next level!
Plus, you’ll get access to these amazing bonuses!
Almost $1000 in FREE Bonuses with Your All-Access Pass, but Only for the Next 30 Minutes.

Bonus #1 – Value $15
Copy of Milana Leshinsky’s Amazon Best-Selling Book:
Coaching Millions: Coaching Millions: Help More People, Make More Money, Live Your Ultimate Lifestyle
It offers a practical step-by-step plan for creating a real multi-facetted business in which getting clients becomes a “side effect” of everything else you do. You’ll discover the six steps to building a thriving business that gives you the freedom to do what you love to do while creating true wealth for yourself and your family.
No matter where you are today, you will quickly uncover new profit centers in your coaching business and will dramatically improve your lifestyle for many years to come.

Bonus #2 – Value $15
Copy of Milana’s Leshinsky’s Brand-New Book:
Simplicity Entrepreneurship: Escape Burnout, Find Flow, and Discover the Shortest Path to Profit
You’ll learn the 9 biggest traps most entrepreneurs fall into that cause a lot of self-doubt, confusion, and frustration, and ultimately keep them from growing their business.
You will also discover the #1 secret all highly successful business owners use that allows them to grow with more confidence and ease.
Finally, you’ll discover that growing a business doesn’t have to come from doing MORE, and instead can come from doing LESS, and how to know exactly what to focus on in your business to scale without burnout.

Bonus #3 – Value $97
Copy of Milana’s Leshinsky’s Book:
Beyond Book Profits: How to Turn Your Book or Info-Product into a Profitable Multiple Income Stream Business
You have a unique opportunity to connect with your readers and build a profitable business by leveraging your nonfiction book into many different solutions. This guide will show you exactly how to do this quickly and easily, while transforming you into a savvy entrepreneur!

Bonus #4 – Value $997
My First Big Launch
A Complete System with a Proven Step-By-Step 28-Day Product Launch Blueprint for Coaches. A product launch is the single strategy that can help you fill your coaching programs and get a RUSH of customers ready and willing to pay a premium for your products and programs!
Get Unlimited Access to All 25+ Sessions and Panel Discussions, Plus 4 Amazing Bonuses for Just $497 $67
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